Bloggers are not connected in any way with this case or any of the individuals (including Bubba) in it. We are simply concerned individuals (attorneys and animal advocates) who, while concerned about the public's safety, are equally concerned about the harsh Dangerous Dog Acts that are sweeping the country--- and our governments' roles --- in condemning innocent dogs to death and their families to great tragedy simply because the dogs acted as dogs do. Because we are not connected to the cases, we are left to the public sources for our information. Thus, we may not always have the facts correct. So readers are urged to let us know if there is anything we write or publish that may not be correct. However, if you do comment in this way, please provide us with evidence of the correct facts.
Comments to this Blog are certainly welcome, although the purpose of the blog is to inform and suggest actions. However, if you do comment, please note that the comments- moderation feature is turned on. This is because this blog is a serious one and only intelligent, value-adding comments will be published, unless in Bloggers' opinion, other comments would serve to support one of our purposes here. Also, if you do not wish your comment to be published, please state that in your comment and your request will be respected.
This blog, by the way, is organized by the nature of the posting and not necessarily by the Date/Time stamp so the dates on the individual may not have any significance. Usually, when a lower posting gets updated, Blogger will post the date of the revision at the beginning of the posting, so if you see that a posting has been revised since you last visited it, you might wish to at least scan it for the new materials. Blogger may also point this out in the Read This First posting, if there is one at the top of the blog.
Thank you for visiting this blog and showing your concern for Bubba and all the other dogs wrongly condemned to death by bad laws, inadequate public officials and, in most cases, vindictive individuals.
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